Jan 5, 2012

On a daily basis I see things like this in my news feed:

I'm not sure what my friends typing these things are trying to accomplish. As far as I know, god doesn't actually have a Facebook account. It's nice that they want to share their prayers with the world, but why?

Anyway, that's not even the reason I'm posting this. It doesn't really bother me that religious people put religious stuff in their FB statuses because I put irreligious stuff in mine. I'd be a real ass to complain about their statuses. 

What bothers me is that this is considered by them to be the epitome of normalcy and carries some kind of implied protection that doesn't extend to anything else on FB.

If I comment on these types of posts it invariably comes down to "stop attacking my beliefs!" or something similar. For that reason I've stopped making comments on things like this.

What really gets me is that if I post a link to a video or a news story or a quote by a famous atheist, it will immediately generate comments from my religious friends about how I should just stop talking about it or how I'm wrong. For instance:

I had to fire back on this one. It's patently ridiculous to propose that everyone in the world must respect your beliefs while continually chiding others for their views. If you want to have the privilege of voicing your opinions then you must extend the same courtesy to others. Also, if you you post something publicly on FB then you have to assume that somebody will have an opinion on it. With that in mind, you are inviting comment by posting it and must therefore be ready to defend it without getting your panties bunched up.

Seriously, stop being such hypocrites, FB people!

Facebook Hypocrisy

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