Mar 16, 2014

More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube and over 6 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube - that's almost an hour for every person on Earth - and about 80% of YouTube traffic comes from outside the US, and since YouTube is blocked in China amongst other Google services where does that leave us with the source of this enormous traffic? 

MENA region takes a big chunk off of that 80% and because of this huge and continuous growth a lot of people wanted to get in on that action whither it is entertainers, news networks or even a guy with a $300 camcorder that makes silly videos to post on YouTube, Startappz, In collaboration with some of the best resources on YouTube videos in the Middle East have recently published an infographic that details the latest status on the distribution of that traffic in the middle east, the source of this data was a combination of SkyScreen's (Previously Fatooosh) internal analytics, as well as a sample rate of a 100 -real-channels per country, enough talking, now let's take a look at that infographic!

Source: Startappz.

The Growth of YouTube Production in the Middle East [Infographic]

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