Nov 15, 2012

When it comes to storage, these days it seems like we can never have enough of it. We’re always wanting more storage in our phones and tablets, and we’re more than willing to pay for it as well. Something that is fast becoming the norm is the lack of microSD card slots on phones and tablets these days, not so much so on tablets but a lot of phones these days are shipping without expandable storage. This is fine as long as you have a phone with a lot of internal storage but, often these are hard to come by. Samsung has been leading the pack a little bit by bringing high-capacity versions of the Galaxy S III to market as well as including a microSD card slot, too.

It’s no secret that Samsung are one of the few smartphone manufacturers that make a lot of the components that go into them and for a long time it’s been the Korean giant that’s supplied the world’s biggest manufacturers with NAND memory chips for smartphones and tablets. Now, the company is making a leap having finalized production of their 64GB NAND chips, with just a 10 Nanometer fabrication, making these things freaking tiny. It might seem like a boring thing to talk about but, when you think about it, it’s these advances that are going to make it even easier to put 64GB of storage on to your next smartphone or tablet. Who here would want a Nexus 4 with 64GB of onboard storage? Yeah, that’s a lot of hands raised.

The chips that Samsung will be producing aren’t slouches either, they’ll carry speeds of 260 mbps write and 500 mbps read. That’s easily a whole lot faster than something you’d find in a microSD card off the shelf. Having fast storage that comes in such sizes is going to be a boon for the industry as Google is adamant that they’ve lost all love for the microSD card system. It’s easy to forget that Samsung will more than likely shipping this stuff off to other manufacturers and 2013 could well be the year we see storage hit the 64GB point for all.

10 Nanometer 64GB memory is here, time to say goodbye to SD cards?

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