Apr 24, 2013

Yesterday Samsung LEVANT held an event to introduce us to the all mighty Samsung Galaxy S4 for it's first appearance in Jordan, I had a little time with the device but it was a great opportunity to mess around with it myself so here is my first impression of the device:

With a hint of the Galaxy Note II and a whole lot of Galaxy S III, The Galaxy S4 comes in as a different approach from Samsung in terms of design, What have been said about the previous models -especially when it comes to built quality- doesn't apply here at all. 

The S4 -unlike previous Galaxy devices- Doesn't give you a plasticy feeling about it, if anything it gives you the feeling of a premium built product, Aluminium is a very nice touch from Samsung, Personally I hope we'll see a whole lot of similar materials in upcoming models,

The S4 feels very nice in my normally sized hand, even though they have hooked this beautiful smartphone with a bigger screen than the S3's, it's size staid almost the same, If it wasn't for the new LED flash placement I could've never told the difference between an S3 and an S4 flipped on the front side on a table. 

Samsung Galaxy S4 and Note II

The S4 comes rocking a 13MP camera, Which I found to be a whole lot better than the one I got on my Note II, but here's the thing, It's more than just megapixels, The software plays a decent role here, the camera app comes with so many features, little tweeks and effects that I would like very much to have on my Note II, it basically replaces like 20 apps people install just to mess with their photos. unfortunately I didn't spend much time on the camera but hopefully i'll be writing a more in-depth piece about it if I got my hands on the device again soon. 

Samsung Galaxy S3, S4 and Note II

The Galaxy S4 is one of the very few none-Nexus devices to come with Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean out of the box, And the first Sammy device to come with Android 4.2.2 and the good old TouchWiz, and I must say... TouchWiz have grown so much ! This Sammy stock ROM has adopted the single and dual touch pull-down notification centre we've seen in the Nexus devices and added their own touch, to be honest it doesn't look as pretty as the original but it's kind of more productive as they've put every toggle you can think of in there. 

Also the Settings menu has been remodelled, They brought back something I haven't seen since my last Sony Ericsson device which is tabs (Check out the photo to the right). Yes we got tabs everywhere on our phones but we've got used to the long scroll down settings list that has gotten longer after all "Accounts" started to show in the main menu after the first Jelly Bean update...

Stay tuned for more articles about the S4.

Are you going to upgrade to the S4 ?
or you're going to wait for something else ?

let me know in the comment section below.

Samsung Galaxy S4 First impression

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