Well folks, we knew this day would come sooner or later. Adobe Flash for Android is now officially dead starting tomorrow. While it was widely reported that Flash was only disabled on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, starting today Adobe disabled all new installs of Flash for Android.
There’s so much talk as to whether Flash ultimately failed or succeeded. It’s clear that Adobe has now realized that HTML5 is the future, and not Flash, but I still don’t quite understand why they plan on disabling new installs all together. Adobe halting development in understandable, but why not just leave it in the market for people that wish to install it? After all, there are still some sites that utilize Flash and it would be nice to have the choice to still have it if you wish so.
Either way, I’m sure folks over at XDA will have the .apk for Adobe Flash if you still wish to install it onto your device. Long live Adobe Flash, whether you see it as a failure or not, it was great while it lasted and I certainly welcomed it.
Long live Adobe Flash
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