Sep 23, 2012

Although we here at The Mythical Truth love to poke fun at Apple, this is actually kind of sad. In the past couple of days a massive number of websites and blogs reported about how bad the Maps app in iOS 6 was, and now BGR is pointing out that Apple is hiring people left and right to fix the Maps app. In the last ten days, Apple has listed 6 new positions for developers to help fix Maps in iOS 6. Apple also stated yesterday that “working hard to make the customer experience even better”. But here’s an idea, stop trying to sue every manufacturer out there and work on your crappy Maps app, right?

As far as we know, the Google Maps app is waiting for Apple to review it so iPhone users can go back to Google Maps and leave Maps for iOS 6 alone. I still think Google should work with Apple to license Google Maps out to the fruit company for use on their products.

A friend of mine who is a big time Apple fan once told me "Apple would never release nor announce anything until it's complete 100%" that was at the time of Google Glass first sneak peek at Google I/O 2012 and OMG what a good laugh I'm having now!!! (Thanks M.A.K)

Back in 2007, Steve Jobs said that they can’t be everything and that they need to partner with people (Google) who are good at stuff. Unfortunately things changed, and five years later, Apple decided to go after Google with a new maps app as part of iOS 6. If you follow tech news, there’s no question you have stumbled upon an article or tweet about how lousy Apple’s new maps app is.

It’s surprising to see such a bad first attempt from Apple as they don’t normally operate this way. I’m sure they will get it right at some point, but for now we can just laugh at some of these examples, which are courtesy of Google + user Michael Salinger.

The first one (at the top) shows the Olympic Plaza in Calgary an entire block away and there’s a plaza train station that hasn’t existed in years. Hit the break for eight more fails.

Those are houses not Starbucks or BP

Here’s a Japanese plaza in Sao Paulo, Brazil

The University Hospital is depicted in Google Maps as the brown area.

Apple seems to think the hospital has shrunk.

Gothenberg seems to have vanished from Sweden

Here we have information on the Corktown Footbridge, but nothing it has access to.

That should be Carse Road

The name of the Florence Cathedral should be Santa Maria del Fiori not Santa Maria dei Fiori

The Buckingham Fountain in Chicago, Illinois seems to have bumpy water

So if you know anyone using an iPhone with iOS 6, be nice to them and give them directions if they are lost. Or just direct them to the nearest Best Buy to pick up an Android device.

Want more laughs? Check out ‘The Amazing iOS 6 Maps’ on Tumblr.

Maps in iOS 6: Apple's disaster

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    1. The second interesting piece of news is that Chrome for iOS is not at all Chrome. Though it has Chrome-style UI, Chrome synching, omnibox and search by voice option but its execution and the rendering engine are not Chrome.

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